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Kiwis and Classes

Kia Ora! The thrill of orientation is over. Classes will start soon. Or at least that’s what I thought. The week before classes… More

Madelline Morgan-Knox University of Otago, New Zealand


Madelline Morgan-Knox


University of Otago, New Zealand

Kiwis and Classes

Madelline Morgan-Knox March 9, 2017

Kia Ora! The thrill of orientation is over. Classes will start soon. Or at least that’s what I thought. The week before classes is called O-Week and it’s nothing short of one longggg party where you meet loads of people and soak up the summer sun. I bonded… More

Kia Ora From Down Under

Madelline Morgan-Knox February 28, 2017

Kia Ora! Greetings from Dunedin. After a seamless string of flights from Madison to Chicago to Los Angeles to Auckland….I arrived in New Zealand on February 16th! It’s weird to think that February 15th, 2017 never existed for me and never will due to… More

Can I Bring My Cat?

Madelline Morgan-Knox January 20, 2017

Twenty five days until departure... It doesn’t seem real. If I think about it a lot I get so excited I want to throw up. I’ve never had trouble leaving home, and the pure joy that surrounds my excitement is overwhelming. I can’t help but wonder when the… More