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Ciao, Firenze. Grazie mille!

By Jenni A., Italian Language and Culture in Florence, Italy The stairs continued into Week 5 as we climbed the Duomo and… More

Jenni Antane Florence, Italy


Jenni Antane


Florence, Italy

Ciao, Firenze. Grazie mille!

Jenni Antane August 5, 2015

By Jenni A., Italian Language and Culture in Florence, Italy The stairs continued into Week 5 as we climbed the Duomo and the Bell Tower for a total of over 800 stairs. It’s crazy we waited so long to climb the Duomo, but it was kind of nice to save… More

The World is a Beautiful Place

Jenni Antane July 16, 2015

By Jenni A., Italian Language and Culture in Florence, Italy The past two weeks have gone by even faster than the first two if that’s even possible. I’m realizing there isn’t nearly enough time to learn about all the facets of Michelangelo’s life and… More

Be Flexible!

Jenni Antane June 29, 2015

By Jenni A., Italian Language and Culture in Florence, Italy Everyone was very excited to plan trips outside of Florence. Luckily, we were recommended some tour agencies that provide day and weekend trips. There are even a few trips included in Arcadia… More

How do you say…?

Jenni Antane June 15, 2015

By Jenni A., Italian Language and Culture in Florence, Italy I’ve arrived! After four days in Florence I’m feeling more comfortable in the city. Everyone is living in the same building (three apartments on two floors) and they are spacious! The last… More

Already Making Friends

Jenni Antane June 4, 2015

By Jenni A., Italian Language and Culture in Florence, Italy I’m leaving for Florence in exactly a week and I’m feeling unprepared. Finals are next week and I haven’t even considered when or what I will pack. My weather app shows Evanston in the 60s… More