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My Weekends in Edinburgh

By Anna C., Scottish Heritage Management Internship Program, Scotland There are nine students here on Arcadia’s Edinburgh… More

Amanda Campbell Perugia, Italy


Amanda Campbell


Perugia, Italy

My Weekends in Edinburgh

Amanda Campbell July 1, 2015

By Anna C., Scottish Heritage Management Internship Program, Scotland There are nine students here on Arcadia’s Edinburgh summer program, and we have already done an impressive amount of traveling. Our classes regularly meet in the city’s biggest museums… More

The Time of My Life

Amanda Campbell June 25, 2015

By Amanda C., Umbra Institute Summer, Italy As I sit here writing this, looking over the most gorgeous view that I have had the opportunity to take for granted, I am reflecting upon this great gift I have received. I am so fortunate to have been able… More

Eating Italy

Amanda Campbell June 18, 2015

By Amanda C., Umbra Institute Summer, Italy It is my dream to travel solely to dine. I am a major foodie, full of pretention towards the finer, richer foods, and always open to trying new exotic dishes. Italy has been a pleasure to dine through. My first… More

Italian Food Does Not Exist

Amanda Campbell June 2, 2015

By Amanda C., Umbra Institute Summer, Italy Arriving in Perugia has been a whirlwind of activities and sensations. Exploring this small, quaint, medieval town has been enriching and exciting. After being here for a week and a half, I feel as though I… More

How to Fit Your Life into One Suitcase

Amanda Campbell May 19, 2015

By Amanda C., Umbra Institute Summer, Italy Step one Cue uplifting, exciting music for motivation... 
Step two Make a list of everything you may need in a month. I find that having a list helps me stay organized and not forget anything. If I think… More