Currently Studying at: Scottish Universities' International Summer School (SUISS), Scotland
Homeschool: Northampton Community College
Hello everyone, I've never really kept a blog before, so bear with me. It's a little less than a week until I catch… More
Currently Studying at: Scottish Universities’ International Summer School (SUISS), Scotland
Home School: Butler University
“You’ll have to visit the Highlands! And Glasgow! And Loch Ness (obviously)! And St. Andrews! And Stirling—it’s so underrated… More
Currently Studying at: Museum Studies Internship Program
Homeschool: Anderson University
Growing up, I loved to drink tea, now living in Scotland for a few weeks that love has manifested into a relationship. I drink so much tea here that my flatmates… More
Currently Studying at: Museum Studies Internship Program
Homeschool: Anderson University
I arrived in Edinburgh, Scotland feeling slightly jet-lagged, and very nervous. Being in another country, completely by myself, and responsible for my own decisions… More
Kara Mcgeehan, Student Blogger, University of Edinburgh, Scotland.
136 days in Edinburgh, Scotland have come and gone faster than I ever imagined. I had many ups and downs throughout the semester, but I would not have changed it at all. Throughout the… More
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