Week One: Haggis, Harry Potter, & Highland Dancing

Hannah King June 23, 2015

By Hannah K., University of Stirling Summer, Scotland I finally arrived in Scotland around noon on Saturday the 13th after my flight was delayed for a few hours. Unfortunately, my luggage decided it didn’t want to go on the same flight as me. However… More

Edinburgh on a Student Budget

Anna Cain June 17, 2015

By Anna C., Scottish Heritage Management Internship Program, Scotland I know dollars and pounds are different currencies, really. But while studying abroad in the UK, you sometimes forget where you are. This is an English-speaking country, and their… More

Back in the US

Margaret Chelsvig June 10, 2015

So I’ve been back in the U.S. for two weeks now and it’s weird. It feels like I never even went abroad- that Edinburgh was just a dream. It’s crazy to me that I lived in Scotland for five months, because I’ve never moved far from the Midwest! Of course… More

The Curious Case of James Joyce Tourism

Anna Cain June 6, 2015

By Anna C., Scottish Heritage Management Internship Program, Scotland My internship program in Scotland doesn’t start for another week, but I am already battling jetlag in Europe. Thanks to a grant from my college, I’m in Ireland to research the legacy… More

Everything Edinburgh!

Margaret Chelsvig May 28, 2015

I have a lot to say about Edinburgh. It’s one of my favorite places I’ve been and I’m terrified to leave it. That being said, I just wanted to compile a list of my favorites things to do in the city, things I’ve learned about being abroad, and a few tips… More

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