Fàilte gu Alba! (Welcome to Scotland!)

Kathryn Funderburg September 21, 2015

The last two and a half weeks have been a whirlwind of information, sights, and new experiences. Seventeen days ago I did not know what the sky looks like when flying into the light of the rising sun, the stars still visible behind you, and with a watch… More

Second Semester in Aberdeen

Mark Mlella September 15, 2015

I have been in Aberdeen since January 2015, after the end of the semester I did a geology summer project with a professor and a Ph.D student at the University. Then I went back home to visit my family in Tanzania. I am now back in the Silver city (Aberdeen… More

A Graceful Introduction to Scotland

Gaelen McCartney September 13, 2015

So one thing I didn’t tell you in my last post, is that when I made it through the airport in Edinburgh and onto the airport bus, I saw a student sitting in the back with an Arcadia Study Abroad folder. So being who I am, I sat right next to him and started… More

I am going on an adventure

Gaelen McCartney August 19, 2015

I am going on an adventure. Sure, the corny word anyone will tell you knowing that you’re studying abroad. But the more and more I thought about it; the more it’s true. I am going on an adventure. For four months I will be on my own traveling in and… More

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