Exploring Copenhagen

Sarah Mason February 15, 2016

Last weekend, my friends and I ventured to Copenhagen, Denmark, which is definitely my favorite place I’ve visited so far (Edinburgh still wins, though!). Functioning on about 3 hours of sleep, we hopped on an early flight out of Edinburgh and got into… More

About my internship

Jordan Mcintyre February 11, 2016

I’m currently participating in Arcadia’s Edinburgh Internship Program. To tell you a little bit more about what I’m doing here, I’ll break down my schedule for you: Monday and Tuesday I have class at Edinburgh Napier University, and Wednesday and Thursday… More

There’s No Place Like Home

Olivia Mill February 8, 2016

Just as Dorothy told herself at the end of “The Wizard of Oz”, there really isn’t any better place than home. But when you are thousands of miles away from home, someone else’s home can be pretty great too. The eight of us attending the University of… More

A Day in the Life of an Aberdeen Student

Melissa Thompson February 7, 2016

So what is it like to be a student at the University of Aberdeen? First of all, it’s absolutely awesome! My classes here are all really great and so interesting! I’m taking four classes including two history courses with one about Vikings and another… More

Great Scot!

Jordan Mcintyre February 5, 2016

I think a lot of times when you tell someone where you’re travelling to they say “Oh I hear its sooooo pretty there!” and often times it is, but a lot of times people oversell it. I expected the same to be true of Edinburgh-everyone I told in the days… More

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