A Walk Through Time

Melissa Thompson February 22, 2016

Two roads diverged and I, I took the one less traveled” –Robert Frost  Scotland is such a beautiful and diverse country. So far in my journey in Scotland, I’ve been to relatively large cities such as Edinburgh, Stirling and Aberdeen (of course!).… More

Finding My Routine

Jordan Mcintyre February 17, 2016

I’m one of those people who very much needs a routine. However, I’m usually pretty bad about setting this routine for myself. I would love it if I could be the kind of person who can do whatever whenever, but I’m just not built that way. One of my resolutions… More

Loch Ness and Urquhart Castle!

Olivia Mill February 17, 2016

One of the first places I went to after arriving in Aberdeen was Loch Ness. The drive up was a little long, but it was well worth the wait once we arrived there. Urquhart Castle sits on Loch Ness, and looked simply beautiful with snow covering it. The… More

Finding my Niche

Rachel Proctor February 17, 2016

A home isn’t just a place that you live in. You can feel at home with people you meet, connect with and become close to. You can also have multiple homes, places, and people that are close to your heart and you share many memories with. I may have grown… More

Falkirk Trip: A Mix of Old and New

Melissa Thompson February 16, 2016

All journeys have secret destinations in which the traveler is unaware” - Martin Buber This past weekend I had opportunity to visit the town of Falkirk through one of Arcadia’s optional excursions. Falkirk is located in Scotland’s central belt and… More

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