Part I: That's A Wrap!

Olivia Mill May 10, 2016

The semester is drawing to a close over here, so I thought it was time to make a wrap-up post about my time abroad. Hopefully this can give anyone looking to study abroad here a good view of what it was like on the whole. To start, I’d like to reflect… More

Spring Break- Part 2

Olivia Mill April 26, 2016

From Copenhagen, Sarah and I traveled to Vienna. We stayed near the Nashmarkt, which stands for Snack Market. It was a very convenient location, and a great place to find food. On the first day in Vienna, we took a walking tour, which is something I recommend… More

A Traveler's Life for Me

Melissa Thompson April 20, 2016

The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience” – Eleanor Roosevelt What still amazes me about living in Scotland are all the opportunities for easy and relatively… More

A Taste of Home

Jordan Mcintyre April 19, 2016

MY MOM AND DAD CAME TO SEE ME THIS WEEKEND!! They got in on Thursday night, and left on Monday morning. I hadn't seen them since Christmas so it was really nice to see them again. I got to show them all over Edinburgh, and got to do all of the fun touristy… More

Spring Spring Break- Part 1

Olivia Mill April 15, 2016

This was an absolutely incredible spring break, and I feel so lucky to have had the opportunity to go to so many wonderful places. My break started with London. I went with a friend from high school, Emma, who is also studying abroad this semester, in… More

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