In a Hole in the Ground There Lived a Hobbit

Liesel Rutland May 30, 2019

Currently Studying at: University of Otago, New Zealand Homeschool: Wofford College I will let you in on a little secret. If you have not noticed by now, I am in love with The Lord of the Rings and everything J.R.R. Tolkien. How would you have guessed?… More

Well, I’m Back

Liesel Rutland May 22, 2019

Currently Studying at: University of Otago, New Zealand Homeschool: Wofford College I have exactly one more month left in New Zealand. I cannot believe how accustomed I am to life here, nor can I believe that I actually have to go back home in thirty… More

When in Doubt, Follow Your Nose

Liesel Rutland May 7, 2019

Currently Studying at: University of Otago, New Zealand Homeschool: Wofford College So, like most students crammed into a small living space with many other young people, there comes a time where sickness and disease spreads. Last week, right after… More

The Road Goes Ever on and On

Liesel Rutland May 1, 2019

Currently Studying at: University of Otago, New Zealand Homeschool: Wofford College The past two weeks have been incredible. I finished all of my assignments the week before mid-semester break, which was such a relief; not having to worry about those… More

Changing Weather

Meghan Callahan May 1, 2019

Currently studying at: UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO, New Zealand hOMEschool: Denison University As we enter the month of May, there have been a lot of changes from the earlier parts of this semester. New Zealand is now in the full swing of Autumn: the weather… More

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