Stewart Island

Emma Lodes June 4, 2015

In Polynesian mythology, Maui is a powerful, intelligent demigod. He's featured in some of the most important Maori myths, and his resume includes snaring the sun out of the sky and taming fire. Perhaps the most well known story is of Maui hauling the… More

Easter Break Pt 3: West Coast Roadtrip

Emma Lodes May 18, 2015

On day four of the Heaphy, the track plopped us off at a beach about 20 minutes outside of Karamea, a tiny town with one hostel and no cellphone service where we'd meet up with Bri. Riz and I sat in the beach shelter, exhausted, eaten alive by sand flies… More

Going Out My Door: Pt 2

Meredith Warder May 10, 2015

My oh my! How busy the days have been! All of my frequent travels with friends and family have commandeered my every moment, but it has been well worth it. School work has even begun to pick up speed! Who would have thought, having to do projects and… More

Easter Break Pt 2: The Heaphy

Emma Lodes May 10, 2015

As I mentioned in my last post (Easter Break Pt. 1: Collingwood), leaving Collingwood for the Heaphy wasn’t easy after getting to know the Barhams. Although it was only for three nights, the luxury and ease of living with a real family – one that graciously… More

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