Trimester Break!

Makenzie Kutyba September 8, 2015

I can’t believe this trimester is already half way over… but that means only 6 more weeks of lectures! I am not officially done with Uni until November 14th though, since we get a “stress free” week after finals end and then a three-week period for exams… More

It's worth it

Julian Callin September 3, 2015

Halfway through the semester! The first week of my mid-semester break is coming to an end, and so far I’ve done…nothing. I have, however, got some well-needed rest. After kayaking last weekend and my 21st birthday (which doesn’t mean much in a country… More

Kayaking on the Waikato

Julian Callin August 14, 2015

Every weekend in New Zealand has been an adventure. I have spent a total of one weekend in Auckland and plan on reserving most weekends for exploration of the surrounding area and of the North Island. Last weekend I discovered that on-campus clubs is… More

Windy Welly

Makenzie Kutyba August 10, 2015

I fall in love with Wellington more and more everyday I am here. There is something new to do every night! I don’t know how anyone could ever become bored. This city has so much to offer it’s hard to leave for the weekend. But there is more to explore… More

Exploring Northland: Part 1

Julian Callin July 20, 2015

We, ArcadiaNZ, are an adventurous bunch. Hours after returning from orientation, ten of us had organized a couple rental cars, bought enough food for five days on the road, acquired the largest camping tent we could find, and researched numerous sightseeing… More

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