A Journey I Never Pictured Myself On

Alexina Estrada February 2, 2016

In less than two weeks, I will be on a plane. I’ve been on a plane before, several times actually. What will be different in two weeks is that I will be boarding the plane to leave the country for the first time. I will say “Bye” and “See You Later” with… More

One Last Adventure

Julian Callin November 9, 2015

My time studying abroad in New Zealand is coming to a close, but the real adventure is just beginning. Next week four friends and I will set off on a month long journey by car from Auckland to the South Island and back up again. We’ll be living off the… More

Tramping New Zealand

Makenzie Kutyba October 12, 2015

Now that I am leaving New Zealand in just over a month, I am starting to worry I won’t have time to see everything I want to. Luckily I will be back for another semester to cross more things off my list. Here are some of my adventures from the past few… More

Skiing New Zealand

Julian Callin September 28, 2015

During week 2 of mid-semester break (New Zealand equivalent of spring break—and yes, it’s TWO weeks), fellow Arcadian, Taimur Shah, and I went skiing with the Auckland University Snow Sports club. The club owns a lodge on one side of Mt. Ruapehu and takes… More

Springtime in NZ!

Makenzie Kutyba September 22, 2015

It is finally starting to get warmer here in Wellington! An average of 50°F during the winter is nothing to complain about, but it’s so beautiful and nice out now that it’s almost 60°F. Last Sunday the wind stopped blowing and I thought I was going melt… More

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