Taking the Plunge

Whittney Whitt August 2, 2016

In the great city of Wellington there's quite a lot to do year round. If you remember my last post, I talked about the Farmer's Market, a produce market available year round rain or shine on the Sunday of every week; I also mentioned the fantastic Te… More

Loving It!

Austin Gosch July 25, 2016

After getting to explore and hike around Auckland from 6 in the morning (when we landed) to 8 pm that night. After going to the wonderful, sulfur smelling and thermal infested area of Rotorua. After going to a recreated Maori Village and get to participate… More

The Bare Necessities

Whittney Whitt July 15, 2016

As a frugal spender, a true child of Disney, (and maybe a little help from the very recent release of the live action Jungle Book), I am very conscious of my bare necessities. If you're a first time traveler or a seasoned traveler, it never hurts to be… More

It’s Finally Here!

Austin Gosch June 24, 2016

In four days I will start a journey – one that I wanted to go on for so long. A journey that I have dreamt about but didn’t actually think that I would get to do. One that is going to make my mom cry for several days after I am gone. One where I hopefully… More

Final Exams and My Final Days

Alexina Estrada June 23, 2016

Exams are still going on but luckily for me, I am done. That’s right, completely done! I had all three of my exams already and now have almost two whole weeks to do whatever I want. Here’s what I’m thinking… the Wellington Zoo, Adrenalin Forest, Mt. Victoria… More

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