New Zealand

Victor-Alan Weeks January 29, 2017

Study abroad ain’t no joke. I haven’t left yet, but even the process leading up to it is serious stuff, yes indeed. Not too complicated, but you definitely need to be on your P’s and Q’s and timely about what you do and when you do it. Communication is… More

Can I Bring My Cat?

Madelline Morgan-Knox January 20, 2017

Twenty five days until departure... It doesn’t seem real. If I think about it a lot I get so excited I want to throw up. I’ve never had trouble leaving home, and the pure joy that surrounds my excitement is overwhelming. I can’t help but wonder when the… More

Taupō Travels & Tongariro!

Austin Gosch October 20, 2016

If you are planning on doing a North Island road trip, I suggest stopping in Taupō. A few friends of mine, and myself, decided that we wanted to do the Tongariro Crossing about a month ago so we rented a car and got a little B&B. I didn’t think much… More

Make Your Voice Being Heard Great Again

Whittney Whitt October 12, 2016

It's a little upsetting when I constantly hear people, particularly people my age, claim that they will not be to voting this year. From the outside looking in I have to be perfectly frank that I think that America is looking mighty silly with its candidates… More

Unexpected Lessons

H. Saul September 29, 2016

Well hello again, dear blog. These past few months have been of discovery and exploration and learning, and I have some very big news that you probably already knew: plans fail. This week is midsemester break, and I set off for New Zealand to trek through… More

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