Learning in New Zealand

Chloe Seletz April 17, 2018

One thing people do not realize when it comes to doing a semester overseas, is the significance the classroom experience can create. This has surprisingly made a positive impact on my semester so far. Walking through campus, studying at the library, and… More

Down Under

Bryan Mitchell April 12, 2018

G’day Straya: As the quiet, state-of-the-art Airbus A350 glides down towards Brisbane, the city lights are visible out the window. This is a milestone, as I have hoped to visit Australia for a long time! We arrive a half hour early but unfortunately… More

Keeping New Zealand Pure

Chloe Seletz March 28, 2018

Prior to my arrival in New Zealand, I received many comments and advice about the country. I was told that countries like New Zealand and Australia will have a very similar culture as the United States. I was not sure what to make of the comment, but… More

South Island

Bryan Mitchell March 19, 2018

Is The Grass Greener On The Other Side?: I am a big fan of the diversity around Auckland and at uni, in both culture and people. From my experience thus far, Auckland is more cultural integrated than many places I have visited in the United States; I… More

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