I’ve had a rare day of rest. It’s late afternoon, and for the first time in my recollection the sun is shining directly into my homely student apartment, across a short arc of clear sky in between the imposing edges of the parking garage and the dense… More
The trip began with waking up at 4:00am on the first Monday of the mid-semester break. Little did I or my fellow adventurers know that it only takes 5 minutes to get through the domestic terminal at the Auckland International Airport. There wasn’t even… More
The first half of my semester was all in all pretty uneventful. I walked into a cult meeting on accident, but decided to stay until it was over so I could eat their free vegan food. I tried my hand at kayaking, which in hindsight wasn’t a good fit because… More
At the top of a mountain everyone is in the happiest moment of their lives. I’ve never bonded with complete strangers faster than after summitting Roy’s Peak on the South Island, on a day so clear that the full magnificence of the Southern Alps flanking… More
What I’ve learned about living in another country is that 90% of the time, life is much of the same. However, that last 10% is where memories are made, where stories you’ll re-tell for years are born, what most of your phone space will be dedicated to… More
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