Buon Natale da Perugia

Eliza Mikunda December 10, 2018

Christmas in Italy is magical. In the hill city, the air is just cold enough to make your nose red and your eyes water. About a week ago, an ice rink went up just around the corner from my apartment. It’s decorated with lights and garlands. All around… More

Community Engagement at the Umbra Institute

Jacob Vandever December 4, 2018

Hello everyone! Sorry, it has been so long. A lot has been happening especially with the semester winding down. I wanted to take this opportunity to talk about community engagement opportunities at the Umbra Institute, where I am currently studying in… More

Studying During Study Abroad

Eliza Mikunda November 16, 2018

It’s hard to remember sometimes, but classes, readings, homework, and essays are still a thing in Italy. After all, it is "study abroad". Part of the balance I talked about in my last post, is finding the right balance between the study part and the abroad… More

Let the Travels Begin!

Abby Russo November 5, 2018

Arcadia Weekend Trip to Rome (10/19-10/21) Day 1: We got to Rome pretty late, so all we had time to do was get dinner with our hostel roommates. We went to a true Italian restaurant right down the street from our hostel called Taverna Pretoriana. We… More


Jacob Vandever October 12, 2018

Ciao a tutti! One of the coolest (and arguably most stressful) aspect of studying abroad is traveling. My goal during this semester is to travel around Italy, as much as possible, while taking maybe one large trip abroad. So far, I have been to Siena… More

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