This weekend I attended a homestay in Gorey, Ireland. I stayed in a house about a ten minute walk from the town centre of small shops and restaurants. Gorey is a beautiful, teeny town located about an hour and a half from Dublin. The bus arrived in Gorey… More
When I first decided on my study abroad program, I narrowed my program down based on a variety of factors, heavily including a homestay. I have heard stories from both sides of the spectrum on homestay experiences and I decided that I would rather live… More
For my first few days of Dublin, I’ve been quite fortunate to learn a good many lessons already.
Always print out a receipt, if given the option.At home, this is something I naturally do when using a card. If I’m paying with cash, however, I often… More
There’s always this calmness when the snow hits the beach sand for the very first time. I walked from jetty to jetty leaving my temporary footprints on the freshly fallen snow when it hit me- I’ll be leaving my comfort zone and traveling across the exact… More
It won’t take anyone very long to figure out that I am restless. From May 2016 to August 2017 I will have moved residency nine times. I admit, I miss my loved ones (horse especially) and it hasn’t been easy. But hey, might as well get an adventure out… More
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