Me, My Mental Health, and What I Can Tell You

Marloes Krabbe December 17, 2019

Currently Studying at: University of Aberdeen, Scotland Homeschool: The College of Wooster After returning from Amsterdam in November, my mental health was at a low. My father is from the Netherlands, and by visiting there without him, I was smacked… More

Heartfelt, Homesick Dinners

Emily Falcon November 14, 2019

Currently Studying at: Università degli Studi di Perugia, Italy Homeschool: Duke University  Around the end of my first month here in Perugia, I started to realize that as magical as this experience abroad is, it’s just as painstakingly difficult—something… More

The U-Curve of Cross-Cultural Adjustment

Erin Morrisey August 26, 2019

Currently Studying at: Scottish Universities’ International Summer School (SUISS), Scotland Home School: Butler University The study abroad experience isn’t always filled with rainbows and sunshine (especially because Scotland is perpetually on the… More

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