Roommates All Around

Anna Depoian October 13, 2021

For many people the idea of sharing your room, your space and your time can be hard. Going to college is scary enough without the added pressure of a possibly poor rooming or roommate situation. Going abroad is also scary. For me, I came to Italy not… More

Why London Mid-Pandemic Was the Best Risk to Take

Payton Sims October 11, 2021

Did I ever intend on studying abroad for my final semester of college? Absolutely not. But did I think that I would ever live through a global pandemic that literally shut the entire world down? Another no. When life seems to have a mind of its own for… More

Two Weeks to Go

Lauren Kelly November 23, 2020

Wow, that was weird to write. I have felt a lot of things throughout my time at Oxford, mainly fascination with how cool this place is, stress, and eagerness to go home (sometimes all at the same time!), but the thought of only having two weeks left is… More

I’m FREE!!

Lauren Kelly September 29, 2020

Currently Studying At: Hertford College, University Of Oxford, England Homeschool: Lawrence University I honestly would not give quarantining for 14 days a 10/10 for a fun study abroad experience (who would??), but it obviously is incredibly important… More

It’s All New to Me

Lauren Kelly September 17, 2020

Currently Studying At: Hertford College, University Of Oxford, England Homeschool: Lawrence University Somewhere in the sky, worried the plane will crash You know, you might be wondering what it is like to be alone and abroad for the first time in… More

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