If you are studying abroad through Arcadia in London, regardless of which school you are going to, there is a good chance you are going to have a brief “pre-orientation” in the city before you depart for your school. My orientation was three days long… More
So some of you may know that London is beautiful. It definitely, totally is. I want you to know that. It’s a great place. Here is a recap of my day to give you an idea of what London is like sometimes on Sundays since most of my weekdays (and even Sundays)… More
I cannot believe that it has been over a week since I first stepped foot in this amazing city; London is everything that I imagined and so much more. This past week flew by at lightening speed; yet somehow it feels as though I have been here longer than… More
After a few days of getting reacquainted with London and getting to know my program manager for my time here, it was finally time to pack it all up and get settled in Brighton. For those who don’t know, Brighton is a popular city in England that is famously… More
This week has seemed like the longest week. Perhaps it was that I was at home working up until last Saturday, September 12, and now everything is different. I am no longer employed. No longer in the United States.
Life is about change. It is; change… More
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