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Lessons in London: 3 Things to Help You Stay Afloat When Abroad for the First Time
1. Choosing Where and How to Shop One aspect of London life that surprised me was all the options for grocery shopping… More
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1. Choosing Where and How to Shop One aspect of London life that surprised me was all the options for grocery shopping… More
Zoe Velez
London, England
I am a 3rd year English major and media production and analysis minor at the Ohio State University. At my homeschool, I am the president of OSU's chapter of Her Campus, a leading online magazine for college women. I have worked in editorial with the goal of pursuing journalism after graduation. To round out my skills in video production, I have worked in marketing for various brands as well. In my free time, I love crocheting, creative writing, and running my own film blog.
1. Choosing Where and How to Shop One aspect of London life that surprised me was all the options for grocery shopping. I am very familiar with the large chains back home in the US where I can find everything I need at once. Here in London, many… More