
Sydney Smith


University of Aberdeen, Scotland

Spring Break: A Saga Part 1: Exploring Caithness

Sydney Smith April 16, 2018

The campus is dead. The Residence Halls seem deserted, except for the ever present squawking of the seagulls. It is spring break here in Scotland. My last official class was the last Friday in March, and I do not have exams until early May. I finished… More

Edge of the World

Sydney Smith March 22, 2018

As you may have concluded by now, I like to take long walks in the wilderness on my own and hope that everything goes alright. So, here is another illustrious story of how I spent a weekend trekking around Scotland. It had been a week filled with sun… More

The Importance of Protesting

Sydney Smith February 26, 2018

Currently, there is a strike occurring here at the University of Aberdeen due to proposed cuts to their pensions. The professors and other lecturers involved say that it is a last resort due to the various universities refusing to negotiate. It is interesting… More

Day Tripper

Sydney Smith February 22, 2018

Saturday morning, I struggled to rise when my alarm went off for the first time at an early 6am. The night before, I had decided that I wanted to travel up to Elgin to see Elgin Cathedral and just generally piddle around wasting time exploring a new town… More

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