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Sydney Parks
Arcadia in Greece, Greece
Hi everyone! My name is Sydney Parks. I’m Junior and a Classical Civilizations Major at Beloit College in Wisconsin and I’ll be declaring minors in History and Studio Art soon. What’s Classical Civilizations? It’s the study of Ancient Greece and Rome - which is why it’s perfect that I will be spending four months in Greece! I’ll be attending classes at the Arcadia Center for Hellenic, Mediterranean, and Balkan Arts. Which means that I’ll be learning all about Greece while actually being able to visit the sites and see things with my own eyes. This blog will let you in on my journey; a new style of classes, new food, new cultures, and of course new adventures as I take you with me through the ups and downs of studying abroad. So find a comfy seat, grab your favorite drink and snack, and get ready to explore with me.