
Sarah Mason


University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Schnitzel and Strudel

Sarah Mason February 4, 2016

Today marks one of my first “abroad milestones”: I’ve officially been in Scotland for a full month! While it feels like just last week I was arriving in the Edinburgh airport, I also feel like I've been here for a long time. The week was, once again… More

Week Three Wanderings

Sarah Mason January 26, 2016

It has been yet another great week of adventuring through Edinburgh. Thanks to my compact schedule, I don’t have classes on Wednesdays or Fridays, making those my designated exploring days. Last Wednesday, I found myself at the National Gallery. An enormous… More

Classes, Castles and Cathedrals

Sarah Mason January 18, 2016

Two weeks in, and I’m finally settling into life here in Edinburgh.  Last Monday was the first day of Spring term at the University of Edinburgh, and I was immediately reminded of my first day of freshman year back home - this time, on a much larger… More

One Week In...

Sarah Mason January 11, 2016

I can’t believe it’s already been a week since my journey has begun! Exactly a week ago, I was sitting on a plane, leaving the US for the first time and en route to Europe. After a week of unpredictable sleep schedules and numerous orientation talks… More

Keep the Heid

Sarah Mason December 30, 2015

“Keep the heid”: a Scottish phrase meaning to “stay calm”, that also sounds incredibly applicable to me as I hit the 5-day mark in my countdown to study abroad. In just 5 days from today, I’ll be sitting on a plane en route to Edinburgh, Scotland. After… More

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