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Sammy Kessler
James Cook University, Australia
Hi! I'm Sammy Kessler, a third year student from Roger Williams University in RI. I'm extremely excited to be studying in Queensland, Australia at James Cook University, Townsville this semester. I was drawn to this school because of my strong passions in biology, nature, and the environment, as well as my life-long desire to scuba dive on the Great Barrier Reef. Plus, I couldn't say no to the tropics! I am what one may call a "tree hugger," and at home I'm a Biology and Environmental Chemistry double major, with a minor in Public and Professional Writing. I'm following a Pre-Vet track, as my ultimate goal is to become a veterinarian, and to contribute to the world of conservation medicine. My other passions, as you may have figured out, are writing and travel. I am currently in an online Travel Blogging academic course through my home university, and those travel pieces have a central focus on the natural environment and environmental issues in the locations I will be living and traveling in Australia. Here, I will be sharing some of those pieces, along with some of my own personal insights and experiences, so stay tuned if you're interested in the nature and environment of Australia!