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Rosa Nguyen
University of Glasgow, Scotland
Hello! My name is Rosa, and I am a Junior at Chapman University. I’m a student in Business and Psychology by day and an avid reader and chronic worrier by night. Living in the bubble of suburban Orange County for 20 years has manifested an insatiable desire inside me to immerse myself in a society completely different from what I am used to. Goats, haggis, and fresh air - none of which are found in Orange County - ultimately compelled me to select Scotland as the place to be Fall 2019. On my personal travel blog ( and on this Arcadia blog, you can take a peek into the adventures I embark on, the struggles that I face, and interactions that I have. Warning: there is a high chance of word vomit, incredibly emotional existential crises’, and an excessive amount of pictures of me and goats. I hope you like how I arrange the 26 letters of the alphabet to reflect my thoughts!