
Rebecca Sohn


Trinity College, Ireland

Looking Ahead to Looking Back

Rebecca Sohn March 26, 2018

The semester is quickly coming to an end, and I’m losing track of time (as evidenced by my not posting for three weeks – sorry!). As it gets closer to the end of the semester, I am increasingly thinking about what I will remember of my time in Dublin… More

Halfway There

Rebecca Sohn March 6, 2018

It’s the first week of March, and somehow, I have been in Dublin for two months. Although I’m not quite halfway through the program, which officially ends May 25, I am more than halfway through the Trinity semester; my last paper is due on April 18. Dublin… More


Rebecca Sohn February 21, 2018

Living in Rathmines Square, it’s amazing how many things are within walking distance. If I want to get groceries, I walk across the street to Aldi. If I want to order takeaway (or take-out), I have several options for that as well. Bars, restaurants,… More

(Not) Alone

Rebecca Sohn February 4, 2018

I have a strange relationship with being alone. Growing up with a twin sister, I was never truly on my own. At the same time, I have always been introverted, and spending time by myself is not only something I enjoy but something I couldn't get by without… More

The Girl from America

Rebecca Sohn January 21, 2018

“Hey, girl from America, why don’t you sing a song?” I was at Grace’s in Rathmines, an Irish pub that felt like a time warp to me. With its dimly lit interior, no website, and a Facebook page that hadn’t been updated in years, Grace’s was the kind of… More

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