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Free Time and New Hobbies

One of the biggest differences between campus life in the U.S. and campus life in the U.K. lies in scheduling. At my home… More

Rebecca Sather Jenkins University of Edinburgh, Scotland


Rebecca Sather Jenkins


University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Free Time and New Hobbies

Rebecca Sather Jenkins May 10, 2017

One of the biggest differences between campus life in the U.S. and campus life in the U.K. lies in scheduling. At my home school, I have at least one class (if not more) every day of the week, with three jobs and multiple extracurriculars on top of that… More

A Whirlwind Trip to Europe

Rebecca Sather Jenkins April 20, 2017

Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving." - Terry Pratchett I… More

A Visit to Stirling Castle

Rebecca Sather Jenkins April 1, 2017

After a crazy week of writing and submitting essays, and existing on very little sleep, I decided to celebrate with a day trip to Stirling, to visit Stirling Castle. It has a long and rich history in Scotland, and much like Edinburgh Castle, sits at the… More

A Trip to Ireland

Rebecca Sather Jenkins March 13, 2017

It’s been a busy few weeks, in a good way. We are getting closer to exams, which means everyone is starting what I call ‘library hibernation.’ This is something Scotland has in common with the US: exam preparation means the library becomes our new home… More

One Month In: New Adventures!

Rebecca Sather Jenkins February 11, 2017

I’ve been in Edinburgh now for a month, and for some reason that fact is a little scary! Of course that month has been filled to the brim with adventure and exploring, but knowing that I’m one-third of the way through classes makes me think about all… More

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