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Weekend Trip to the Highlands

Currently Studying at: University of Glasgow, Scotland Homeschool: Chapman University When considering studying abroad… More

Rebecca DeAngelis University of Glasgow, Scotland


Rebecca DeAngelis


University of Glasgow, Scotland

Weekend Trip to the Highlands

Rebecca DeAngelis October 22, 2019

Currently Studying at: University of Glasgow, Scotland Homeschool: Chapman University When considering studying abroad in Glasgow, it's easy to think about the accessibility to so many other cities and countries. While traveling outside of Scotland… More

Weekend Travel Tips

Rebecca DeAngelis October 16, 2019

Currently Studying at: University of Glasgow, Scotland Homeschool: Chapman University One of my preconceived notions about studying abroad in the UK was that I would be able to travel anywhere and everywhere at the snap of my fingers. I’m not an expert… More

Goodbyes and Hellos

Rebecca DeAngelis September 19, 2019

Currently Studying at: University of Glasgow, Scotland Homeschool: Chapman University In the weeks and months leading up to coming to Scotland, I had quite a bit of “goodbyes.” There was the goodbye to my home university, at which I know every building… More