
Rachel Torralba


Lancaster University, England

Life At Uni

Rachel Torralba October 19, 2017

It didn’t fully set in that I was in a foreign country until I got to Uni and was asked, “are you American?” for the hundredth time. It’s fun to hear all of the different accents here and almost everyone can tell where I’m from within minutes of speaking… More

When in London

Rachel Torralba October 5, 2017

London is a bustling city, full of new places, food, and more people than you could imagine. As Arcadia students, we got to do a few orientation sessions at the Arcadia London center. There, we learned about how people love to queue (aka line up); and… More

How Did I Get Here?

Rachel Torralba October 2, 2017

After months of preparation, answering the same questions over and over again, as well as fending off questions such as, “how’s school going?” and “wait, aren’t you supposed to be in London?” with the awkward response of “I’m leaving on September 26th… More

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