
Olivia Mill


University of Aberdeen, Scotland

Falkirk and the Scottish Borders

Olivia Mill March 30, 2016

During February I got the opportunity to go on two Arcadia Excursions and I am very glad that I went on them! It was nice to have a way to see the things we saw on the trips with an easy way to get around. The first excursion was the Falkirk Day Trip… More

Murphy’s Law, Part 2

Olivia Mill March 24, 2016

The next instance of “disaster” that seemed to be controlled by the rules of Murphy’s Law happened on my first trip to Inverness. A group of friends and I decided to go to Inverness and Loch Ness on one of the first weekends we had in Aberdeen. The bus… More

Murphy's Law, Part 1

Olivia Mill March 9, 2016

To put it simply, Murphy’s Law states that anything that can go wrong will go wrong. I have already experienced this phenomenon a couple of times since being abroad, so I thought I would share my stories and give my advice for how to deal with disaster… More

A Visit to Stonehaven

Olivia Mill February 22, 2016

My favorite place that I have visited so far is Stonehaven. It is a nice fishing town that can be reached by a 20 min train ride from Aberdeen. The main attraction is Dunnotar Castle, which sits on the cliffs at the edge of the town. It is a long walk… More

Loch Ness and Urquhart Castle!

Olivia Mill February 17, 2016

One of the first places I went to after arriving in Aberdeen was Loch Ness. The drive up was a little long, but it was well worth the wait once we arrived there. Urquhart Castle sits on Loch Ness, and looked simply beautiful with snow covering it. The… More

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