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I AM... (almost) A LOCAL

I have been living in Ireland now for 6 weeks, and it still feels a bit unreal. The idea that Galway is my home has just… More

Morgan Block National University of Ireland, Galway


Morgan Block


National University of Ireland, Galway

I AM... (almost) A LOCAL

Morgan Block October 18, 2018

I have been living in Ireland now for 6 weeks, and it still feels a bit unreal. The idea that Galway is my home has just begun to set in. Walking around the city isn’t a maze anymore, and I don’t have to use Google Maps for every place I want to go. I… More


Morgan Block September 14, 2018

Today is Friday the 14th of September, and I have officially been living in Galway for a week. It’s crazy to me that I have already completed the Arcadia orientation in Dublin, the visiting & international student orientation at NUIG (National University… More

I Am Here...

Morgan Block September 4, 2018

I made it to Ireland! I can’t believe I’m finally here! Today I will be meeting up with the rest of my programme in Dublin for our Arcadia orientation. The next week will be very busy, but I am SO ready for it! Packing for 4.5 months was really difficult… More