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Morgan Block
National University of Ireland, Galway
Hi! My name is Morgan! The about section of a student blog is supposed to tell you who “I AM” but I am more than a sentence can say. Over the next 4.5 months, I will attempt to illustrate my experiences, interactions, thoughts and daily activities in such a manner that maybe by the end of December, the question “who am I?” won’t be such a mystery anymore. Until then, here are a few “I AMs” to get us started: 1. I am studying abroad at the University of Ireland in Galway for the fall of 2018; 2. I am a senior double major in Geosciences and English at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas; 3. I am a world traveler; 4. I am an environmental activist with a passion to reduce my waste, environmental impact and carbon footprint; 5. I am in love with nature, hiking and scuba diving; 6. I am so excited to share my academic and personal journey in Ireland with you. Stay tuned for more on life, zero-waste traveling, and of course... Galway Ireland!