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Meredith Warder
University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Hi, my name is Meredith Warder, I am 21 and I am currently a junior at Bethel University in St. Paul, Minnesota. I am a business major with an emphasis in human resources management and I am minoring in both psychology and leadership. I would say that I am a ‘glass half full’, people person who loves listening to and sharing stories. Some of my absolute favorite things include days with my family at our lake house, cuddling with my puppies, roller coasters, trying new kinds of food (or just eating in general… let’s be real), the A&E version of Pride and Prejudice, roaming around my native city of Chicago, almond lattes, Sunday night worship services at church, and spending a little too much time on Buzzfeed. Living in New Zealand for a semester is going to be a dream come true, and I cordially invite you to experience this amazing country with me!