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The Past Two Weeks

In the midst of adventuring around the Gold Coast of Australia, I became so distracted in finding new places that I forgot… More

Melissa Hoey Griffith University, Australia


Melissa Hoey


Griffith University, Australia

The Past Two Weeks

Melissa Hoey April 4, 2017

In the midst of adventuring around the Gold Coast of Australia, I became so distracted in finding new places that I forgot how demanding school can be. Despite spending much of the last two weeks completing midterm exams and assignments, I have still… More

Byron Bay

Melissa Hoey March 14, 2017

After taking some time to get acquainted with my new home on the Griffith campus, I decided to take a weekend trip to Byron Bay to see what else was in my new backyard. I had heard that this was a must see place in Australia, and I couldn’t wait to see… More

School's in Session

Melissa Hoey March 3, 2017

After an orientation week filled with pool parties and info sessions, the trimester at uni has officially kicked off. As has been the case since my first day of kindergarten, I couldn’t sleep at all the night before the first day of school. I was so eager… More

Nervous and Excited

Melissa Hoey February 22, 2017

Between stocking up on months worth of sunscreen so I avoid becoming a walking tomato and figuring out how I’m going to fit my entire life into two fifty pound suitcases, I haven’t fully realized that in a few short days I will actually land in my new… More