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Melanie Brown
Arcadia in Granada, Spain
Hello y hola! My name is Melanie Brown, and I’m stoked to be able to share the wild ride that I’m sure my semester in Granada will be. I’m a second year Junior in the 3-year International Studies program with a minor in Spanish at Arcadia University, and I will be living in Spain for my 2018 Spring semester! I’ve been to 21 countries thus far, and I plan on expanding that list while I’m abroad, learning more about the world that I live in each step of the way. While in Granada, I will live in a homestay and attend classes at at the University of Granada. All of my classes will be in Spanish, and I will be completing an internship (yet to be determined) while I’m there! I’m especially excited to completely immerse myself in the “granadino” lifestyle and hopefully complete mastery in Spanish. I studied abroad in London for my first ever semester at college, and I am more than ready for round two.