
Meghan Callahan


University of Otago, New Zealand

What Do You Mean...School?

Meghan Callahan March 11, 2019

Currently studying at: UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO, New Zealand hOMEschool: Denison University Looking back at all of my friends that have studied abroad, you only hear and see about all the cool things they do-- traveling to as many countries as possible… More

Arcadia Orientation!

Meghan Callahan February 19, 2019

Currently studying at: UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO, New Zealand hOMEschool: Denison University My first week in New Zealand has been an absolute whirlwind of events! We landed in Auckland on the North Island Wednesday morning and there was no downtime from… More

The Final Countdown

Meghan Callahan January 14, 2019

Currently studying at: UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO, New Zealand hOMEschool: Denison University As I am sitting down and writing this blog post it is January 11th, and as I arrived at the Pittsburgh International Airport this morning from Orlando, my mom looked… More

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