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Chao, Chile!

I leave this Sunday and it’s been hard to accept that, after living here for four months, I’m going home. I’ve fallen in… More

Megan Anger Arcadia in Chile


Megan Anger


Arcadia in Chile

Chao, Chile!

Megan Anger June 30, 2017

I leave this Sunday and it’s been hard to accept that, after living here for four months, I’m going home. I’ve fallen in love with this city and have learned so much about myself, life, and the culture of this beautiful country. I’ve met some of the most… More

Mi Familia Chilena

Megan Anger June 19, 2017

My favorite part of studying abroad here in Chile has been living with a host family. I live with my host mom, Paty, who is so kind and understanding. She’s hosted international students for years now so she’s been great at making me feel welcomed in… More

Learning from the Past

Megan Anger June 9, 2017

Over the past four months, I’ve gotten a chance to see and understand a different part of Chile that isn’t quite visible on the surface. In my classes at PUCV, I’ve learned a lot about the history of Chile, and specifically about the time of the dictatorship… More

Exploring Chile!

Megan Anger May 30, 2017

I’ve been traveling for the last two weekends and while I loved every minute of it, I am thoroughly exhausted! With two friends, I traveled first to Chiloé in the south and then to the Elqui Valley in the north. The two places have very different climates… More

How to Speak Spanish like a Chilean

Megan Anger May 12, 2017

It is no secret that the Chilean accent is one of the hardest accents to understand in the Spanish-speaking world. I was warned many times before coming here that it would probably take a month for me to just start to understand Chileans when they speak… More

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