
Maurice Scott


University of New South Wales, Australia

Beach Thoughts

Maurice Scott October 28, 2015

As I take my normal 4-5 mile run, midway I stop at the beach to collect and analyze my thoughts. As the end of the semester is here, it feels good to have overcome a new education system. With only about 3-4 assignments for each class throughout the year… More

The Battle For Australia

Maurice Scott October 8, 2015

During my mid-semester break I had the opportunity to represent the University of New South Wales in the Australian University Rowing Championship held in Adelaide, South Australia. Adelaide is known as the City of Churches. It is a very fine city with… More

The Power of Embracing

Maurice Scott September 9, 2015

Coming to the University of New South Wales, I didn't know what was in store for me. I planned to just work hard, focus, and most of all be myself with an open mind. I didn't know I would have the opportunity to represent a school in their biggest university… More

Where is Nemo?!

Maurice Scott August 29, 2015

So after watching "Finding Nemo", I was compelled to go find Nemo myself so I could take a selfie with him. I tried to type in 42 P. Sherman Wallaby Way, Sydney and nothing came up, so I had to get creative and ask Australians where this magical place… More

A whole new world

Maurice Scott August 19, 2015

As I begin my journey to a whole new world. A series of questions go through my mind. How fast will I get there? How are the people there? Will I make friends? Will I be a good asset to the rowing team? Will I succeed in the academic rigors of the school?… More

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