
Margaret Chelsvig


University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Spring Break Travels to Italy and Greece

Margaret Chelsvig April 16, 2015

I am exhausted! It’s just past midnight here in Edinburgh as I write this and I have had a busy day! I took a five(ish) hour train ride from Nottingham to Edinburgh (story on that later), got into town, dumped my bags, and went out sightseeing with my… More

Loch Ness, Inverness, and more!

Margaret Chelsvig April 2, 2015

This weekend was a blast! One of my best friends came and visited me from Rome and we explored Edinburgh Friday night before heading to Inverness on Saturday morning! We climbed Salisbury Crags at sunset, which was gorgeous. Watching the sun go down… More

St. Patrick’s Day in Dublin

Margaret Chelsvig March 30, 2015

After I had decided on being in Scotland for the spring semester, I was pretty sure I wanted to go to Dublin for St. Patrick’s Day. The only problem was that I would miss school- good thing I found a way to minimize missed classes, but at the expense… More

Arthur’s Seat & Stirling

Margaret Chelsvig March 13, 2015

Earlier this month, I took a day trip to Stirling for another Ceilidh! One of the weirdest things about studying abroad is that castles have lost their novelty. At first, I was so excited- a castle! It was so cool, but now it’s just another castle. Still… More

Weekend Trip to the Highlands

Margaret Chelsvig March 6, 2015

One of the perks of studying abroad through Arcadia is that they organize optional trips for you to join in on. One of the trips I signed up for was an activity weekend at the University of Edinburgh’s Firbush Outdoor Center. So last Friday, I packed… More

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