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Back in the US

So I’ve been back in the U.S. for two weeks now and it’s weird. It feels like I never even went abroad- that Edinburgh was… More

Margaret Chelsvig University of Edinburgh, Scotland


Margaret Chelsvig


University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Back in the US

Margaret Chelsvig June 10, 2015

So I’ve been back in the U.S. for two weeks now and it’s weird. It feels like I never even went abroad- that Edinburgh was just a dream. It’s crazy to me that I lived in Scotland for five months, because I’ve never moved far from the Midwest! Of course… More

Everything Edinburgh!

Margaret Chelsvig May 28, 2015

I have a lot to say about Edinburgh. It’s one of my favorite places I’ve been and I’m terrified to leave it. That being said, I just wanted to compile a list of my favorites things to do in the city, things I’ve learned about being abroad, and a few tips… More

Exploring Scotland

Margaret Chelsvig May 19, 2015

St. Andrews, Loch Lomond, Oban & Isle of Skye Holy moly I only have a week left in Edinburgh! It’s crazy how the time has flown by. As the time wound down I realized there was so much I still wanted to see in Scotland. So I packed my bags and headed… More

A Quick Stop in Copenhagen

Margaret Chelsvig May 1, 2015

My final trip abroad was a short stay in Copenhagen! I can’t believe that I’m done with my travels and I’m studying for final exams. Speaking of final exams- I just took one on the 29th! I could not be more pleased to have wrapped up Social Christianity… More

Weekend Trip to Amsterdam

Margaret Chelsvig April 22, 2015

Amsterdam was probably one of my favorite travels so far- I would definitely recommend it if you plan on studying abroad. One of my closest friends is studying abroad in Rome, and we planned to meet in Amsterdam for a fun weekend. It was sad to say goodbye… More

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