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Do Everything You Can During Arcadia Orientation Week!
As my first week at Arcadia London wraps up, I am thankful that I prioritized participating in all that the scheduled orientation… More
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As my first week at Arcadia London wraps up, I am thankful that I prioritized participating in all that the scheduled orientation… More
Lyrica Gee
London, England
My name is Lyrica and I am going into my third year at Kalamazoo College in Michigan. I am a political science major with a minor in English and a concentration in women, gender, and sexuality studies. I hope to apply my knowledge for politics and love for writing to become a journalist in the future. I am originally from South Bend, Indiana and moved to Michigan at 15 years old when my mother changed career paths and bought a pizza restaurant. I have now been working at that restaurant on and off for the past almost six years. Last fall, I studied away in Washington, D.C. and now I am excited to embark on this new adventure of studying in another country!
As my first week at Arcadia London wraps up, I am thankful that I prioritized participating in all that the scheduled orientation week had to offer. The first few days on a study abroad program are a crucial time that sets the tone for the rest of the… More