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Halfway Point

By Lynsey L., London Internship Program Summer, England Apparently London life is much more up pace than I was expecting… More

Lynsey Leopard London, England


Lynsey Leopard


London, England

Halfway Point

Lynsey Leopard July 4, 2015

By Lynsey L., London Internship Program Summer, England Apparently London life is much more up pace than I was expecting, because I am just now finding time to sit down and write again. The past month has been so amazing, from working at my fantastic… More

One Week Down, Seven More to Go

Lynsey Leopard June 7, 2015

By Lynsey L., London Internship Program Summer, England So this past week has been extremely hectic, but completely full of beneficial knowledge. From a Britishness lecture to a trip to a market on the weekend, I've surely gained some helpful tips for… More

Preparing for Departure

Lynsey Leopard May 20, 2015

By Lynsey L., London Internship Program Summer, England I go to a small liberal arts college in Alabama. Our motto is unconventional wisdom, which is intertwined throughout our academic and extracurricular programs. I have grown accustomed to what is… More