
Lauren Young


London, England

​Free gigs are the best gigs

Lauren Young January 27, 2015

Ladies and gentlemen, it's time we discuss money and when I say discuss money I mean lets discuss the lack of it to which I have. Lets be real, I spend an arm and a leg going to venues to see obscure bands to whom my overpriced tickets are paying for… More

My week with The Weeks (pun intended)

Lauren Young January 24, 2015

My favorite southern gentlemen have finally hopped the pond and I couldn’t be more proud of my American accent. Anyone who knows anything about me knows that I fell out of a tree but not everyone knows that when I fell out of said tree I missed two concerts… More

Shoreditch; Je Suis Charlie

Lauren Young January 22, 2015

Shoreditch, London: As an arts student myself I can’t help but find myself lost in the mystery that is messages written finely between the lines of street art and citizen propaganda. If it wasn’t for those who came before me, those who fought so valiantly… More

Semester Two?! I nearly forgot about you.

Lauren Young January 13, 2015

Time is ticking by faster than I could have ever imagined here in London. Although I’ve been here for nearly 6 months now I can’t help but feel like I’ve only just gotten off the plane at Heathrow with more bags than I should have ever brought. Now as… More

A Menace in Venice (ba-dum-tis... Get it?)

Lauren Young January 9, 2015

Where to even start with the city of canals, mystery, and a labyrinth of streets with frequently repeating names. Unlike anywhere I’d ever been before, Venice was far from what I expected. Upon our arrival we took a water taxi to our hotel (yeah, their… More

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