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Drawing to a Close

Hey readers! It's been awhile, but I'm sure we're all on the same page about now: that is, everyone is in a frenzy as we… More

Lana Valente Umbra Institute, Perugia, Italy


Lana Valente


Umbra Institute, Perugia, Italy

Drawing to a Close

Lana Valente December 10, 2017

Hey readers! It's been awhile, but I'm sure we're all on the same page about now: that is, everyone is in a frenzy as we prepare for finals. I've found myself in a sort of strange holiday mess, between tests and the festivity of the season. It's that… More

Little Time Left

Lana Valente November 14, 2017

Hey, readers! It's been a short while, but we're back and better than ever... After fall break, it took awhile for the semester to pick up again. I'm (a little) well-rested following a long weekend over All Saints Day, although I just spent quite the… More

Get Out There and Take a Look Around

Lana Valente October 27, 2017

Being abroad is the adventure of a lifetime, and it truly changes you forever. Being separated from everything you know (for four months!) is a big deal, but sometimes it doesn’t entirely feel real until you actually leave your host country to explore… More

At Home in Italy

Lana Valente October 9, 2017

A lot can change in a few weeks... But sometimes, nothing does! I'm far more comfortable than I was during the first month, because after four or five weeks, you build a routine. Italian life has settled well with me, like a good meal that took time to… More

The Adjustment Process

Lana Valente September 22, 2017

Did you know that within one day, you can make at least four friends? Sounds a bit far-fetched, I know. But you learn something new every day, and when you're thrust into a unique situation with several other people, friendships form almost immediately… More

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