
Kathryn Funderburg


University of Aberdeen, Scotland

University of Aberdeen

Kathryn Funderburg October 19, 2015

Special Collections Centre and MS 243 As a student of medieval history, manuscripts are of great interest to me. Modern books are great, but the beauty and the mystery of a manuscript’s illumination and text is enthralling! At my home university I have… More

Photo Tour of the Highlands

Kathryn Funderburg October 14, 2015

Last weekend I was fortunate enough to spend my time exploring the Highlands through one of Arcadia’s planned excursions. I had a great time and could write pages and pages talking about the different sights I saw, but the majesty of northern Scotland… More

Travel, Trepidation, and Theatre

Kathryn Funderburg October 6, 2015

O wonderHow many godly creatures are there here!How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world,That has such people in't.–William Shakespeare My journey to Edinburgh to see the theatrical adaptation of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World began well enough… More

The Sir Duncan Rice Library

Kathryn Funderburg September 29, 2015

“The library is the temple of learning, and learning has liberated more people than all the wars in history.”— Carl T. Rowan As an avid reader, libraries are one of my favorite places in the world. I can spend hours contentedly searching the shelves… More

FĂ ilte gu Alba! (Welcome to Scotland!)

Kathryn Funderburg September 21, 2015

The last two and a half weeks have been a whirlwind of information, sights, and new experiences. Seventeen days ago I did not know what the sky looks like when flying into the light of the rising sun, the stars still visible behind you, and with a watch… More

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