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On Grieving Far Away from Home

Currently Studying: Edinburgh Internship Program, Scotland Homeschool: Arcadia University A few weeks ago, my dad went… More

Kate Jock Edinburgh Internship Program, Scotland


Kate Jock


Edinburgh Internship Program, Scotland

On Grieving Far Away from Home

Kate Jock March 19, 2019

Currently Studying: Edinburgh Internship Program, Scotland Homeschool: Arcadia University A few weeks ago, my dad went to visit his parents. His mother, my grandmother, hates her iPhone, but she was rather excited to learn that she could “video call… More

In Defense of Alone Time

Kate Jock February 13, 2019

Currently Studying: Edinburgh Internship Program, Scotland Homeschool: Arcadia University I quite missed the UK. Having arrived just a few short weeks ago in the Scottish capital, a city I’d never visited during my first semester abroad, I found myself… More