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Kate Ahern
University College Cork, Ireland
Hey, I’m Kate! I’m currently in my junior year at Arcadia University. I am a Psychology and Criminal Justice major attending University College Cork this fall semester. I’ll be treating these classes just as I would any other class at Arcadia seeing as a casual semester abroad is not exactly an option. Nevertheless, I am determined to balance hard work and a ton of fun. I am always one for being super responsible when it comes to school (and honestly everything, I am really good at being the mom-friend) so this semester is also about forcing myself to actually let loose, take (let’s be honest, still fairly responsible) risks and socialize with more than just the five friends I already have. I have never been outside of the country for more than a week, so I am so excited to immerse myself in a new culture for so long. There are of course the nerves that go along with this experience, but I know I needed to push myself out of my comfort zone and go for it! I basically have two hopes for this blog. 1) That it will make you feel excited and prepared for when it’s your turn to study abroad. 2) My wit and sarcasm will come through properly in my writing so I won’t sound like a super bitter person.