
Jordan Mcintyre


Edinburgh Internship Program, Scotland

Great Scot!

Jordan Mcintyre February 5, 2016

I think a lot of times when you tell someone where you’re travelling to they say “Oh I hear its sooooo pretty there!” and often times it is, but a lot of times people oversell it. I expected the same to be true of Edinburgh-everyone I told in the days… More

Don’t be scared...

Jordan Mcintyre October 17, 2015

I’m scared of a lot of things…heights, the dark, monsters under my bed, and perhaps most of all, embarrassing myself. Don’t get me wrong, that doesn’t stop me from embarrassing myself on a daily basis but it’s almost always unintentional. That is until… More

Putting Myself Out There

Jordan Mcintyre September 24, 2015

After a few days of getting reacquainted with London and getting to know my program manager for my time here, it was finally time to pack it all up and get settled in Brighton. For those who don’t know, Brighton is a popular city in England that is famously… More

Crying into Carry-Ons and Sleeping in Armchairs

Jordan Mcintyre September 10, 2015

The time is 3:30AM. I’ve stayed up all night to ensure that I’ll be able to catch the shuttle to the airport without oversleeping. All of the sudden I get a text from my dad saying “Looks like your flight has been cancelled…on the phone now.” My shuttle… More

Getting Started

Jordan Mcintyre August 3, 2015

Anyone who’s gone on vacation knows that packing is the actual worst. What do I bring? Do I have enough pairs of shoes? Do I have too many pairs of shoes? What if it’s hot? What if it’s cold? Will it rain? What if there’s some post-apocalyptic blackout… More

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